The Social Update


  1. User navigation bar has been reworked.
    • Now has links to Friends List and Messages
    • New friend activity or a new message will result in a red dot badge being added to the link text.
      • Behind the scenes the website is checking for new alerts every 15 seconds. You don't need to refresh the page!
  2. Reworked the Friends page, the formatting is now much easier to read.
  3. Added this Announcements page.
    • Users will now be automatically notified when a new announcement is made.
  4. Reworked searching for friends.
    • Considering removing searching by anything other than username.
    • Will revisit in the future for more improvements.
  5. Reworked user profiles, adding member number to the information displayed.
    • Eventually this will have more interesting information, such as best round, best hole, etc.
  6. Cleaned up the friend accept/send/reject/cancel buttons in user profiles and on the friends list, eventually this style of confirmation will be site-wide
  7. Added the ability to message other users.
    • Eventually, there will be privacy options as to who can message you, but right now anyone can message anyone
    • Eventually, messages will be purged from the server every... 1-2 weeks (undecided), but right now they will not automatically purge
    • Eventually, will update the chat feature to include "group chats" and adding ability to link .gifs / copy the rich format messaging people are used to off-site
  8. Removed emojis on the index page, replaced with "Font Awesome" icons... really neat stuff
    • You will start to see these new icons across the website. I really like them, let me know how you feel!
  9. Removed the bloat of ever-expanding AJAX files and have combined all behind-the-scenes automatically updating functions into one file.
    • This matters little to anyone but me - it's still cool though!